केला खाने का सही तरीका और समय जान लेंगे तो सिर्फ 1 महीने में ही शरीर बन सकता है बलशाली ?? -- News Dhamaka 2020 - NEWS DHAMAKA


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सोमवार, 29 जून 2020

केला खाने का सही तरीका और समय जान लेंगे तो सिर्फ 1 महीने में ही शरीर बन सकता है बलशाली ?? -- News Dhamaka 2020

If you know the right way and time to eat banana, then in only 1 month the body can become strong ??-- News Dhamaka 2020

It is good to include banana in the morning breakfast but it should not be eaten on an empty stomach.  Dry fruits, apples and other fruits should also be consumed along with bananas to reduce the amount of acidic substances in the body. -- News Dhamaka 2020

present in bananas can impair the balance of calcium and magnesium levels in the blood.  This can have a bad effect on the cardiovascular system. -- News Dhamaka 2020

Eating bananas on an empty stomach in the morning causes hunger.  Which is not good for the body.  Most people eat bananas before going to bed at night, while this should not be done. -- News Dhamaka 2020

Because eating bananas at night can make you sick.  Eating bananas at night can cause cough problems.  According to Ayurveda bananas should be consumed after breakfast.  The appropriate time to eat banana is 8 to 9 am. -- News Dhamaka 2020

If you want to make the body strong and strong.  So definitely take two bananas daily.  This gives the body plenty of energy and strength. -- News Dhamaka 2020

Exercise daily in the morning and eat two bananas and milk in breakfast on an empty stomach.  It is very beneficial for the body.  And this can make the body strong. -- News Dhamaka 2020

The morning after exercise is the best time to eat bananas on an empty stomach.  It provides full benefits to the body, while eating bananas at night can be harmful for the body. -- News Dhamaka 2020

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गुजरात : कोरोना से तबियत बिगड़ने पर सांसद अभय भारद्वाज को एयर एबुंलेंस से चेन्नई स्थानांतरित किया - News Dhamaka 2020

 गुजरात : कोरोना से तबियत बिगड़ने पर सांसद अभय भारद्वाज को एयर एबुंलेंस से चेन्नई स्थानांतरित किया - News Dhamaka 2020 ज्यादा माहिती के लिए ...

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