In Navsari, mercury again dropped by 0.5 degrees and cold wave again cooled down in south Gujarat. - NEWS DHAMAKA


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शनिवार, 1 फ़रवरी 2020

In Navsari, mercury again dropped by 0.5 degrees and cold wave again cooled down in south Gujarat.

In Navsari, mercury again dropped by 0.5 degrees and cold wave again cooled down in south Gujarat. News dhamaka 2020

Surat has dropped four degrees and Navsari eight degrees during the past two days. Especially in the northeastern cold wind, people were left in the cold. In Surat, the maximum temperature today was recorded at a minimum of 5.6 degree Celsius and a minimum of 5.6 degree Celsius. Winds were recorded at 5 percent and humid winds of five kilometers per hour in the northwest.
 The situation in the Navsari diaspora remains unchanged
Within two days, the minimum temperature was directly below eight degrees.
At night the mercury again reached a low of 5.6 degrees. Thus 1
During the hour, the minimum temperature was significantly reduced by 5.5 degrees

Once again, Katil cold had enticed people. On the other hand today
During the day, the maximum temperature increased by 0.5 degrees
The climate was cool due to the cold winds of the northeast.
Received by the Agro-Climate Department of Navsari Agricultural University
According to the data, today the maximum temperature is 5.5 degrees Celsius. And the minimum
The temperature is 5.5 degrees Celsius. Was registered. Humid in the atmosphere this morning
The ratio was as high as 5 percent. Which dropped to 5 percent in the afternoon
Was. Today, on an average 5 km from the northeast. At the speed of replica
A cold wind was blowing. Meanwhile, the next two days will see an improvement in the cold, with the direction of Western Disturbance affecting western Himalayas and adjoining Jammu and Kashmir. In particular, the state will have a cold wave in Saurashtra and Kutch during the next 3 hours, when the temperature will start to rise in South Gujarat tomorrow. The effect of changing direction of western Vikasom was started on Monday evening as the north wind direction was changed.

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